Reason should save us from the abandonment of a tried and true form of Constitutional government that has served us so well. Let us not fall to the negative appeal of power and money, which can lead to destruction of our very souls. Future generations will thank us if we stay the course, embracing what our Founding Fathers gave us almost 240 years ago. Their political song must continue to be sung by a grateful public.

Few Americans know their political story. The merit and strength of those Founding Fathers in Philadelphia in 1787 often goes unnoticed. Who were these men? They were farmers, merchants, lawyers and Ben Franklin. They had a particular strength and savvy about them. They were quite driven to ultimately lend an element of genius over how to govern a nation. How do I know this? Well, they put together the U.S. Constitution which is still in effect after almost 240 years. Right now, is it a strained and somewhat abused document? You betcha!
Plato said “democracies pass into despotism”. Now we have elements in our society that see our Republic and the U.S. Constitution with little patriotism or loyalty attached. In fact, the MAGA Republican Party, CPAC, several U.S. colleges, Fox News, (aka the Tower of Babel), the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, some Christian Nationalists, and even some members of the U.S. Supreme Court seem purposefully lame and indifferent to reason as ideology and personal opinion grips their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Over half of the billionaires in America seem ready to forsake their flag and the U.S. Constitution. Our U.S. government to many of them is just a regulatory nuisance that wants more taxation. Gratitude to the business environment in the U.S. that made it possible for them to succeed is too often lacking. It's quite possible that these billionaires will forget that dictators and autocrats demand that you kiss their ring, to remain free of harassment. Dictators do not share power. Right now too many Americans seem to have spun themselves into plastic pretzels that will now accept autocratic positions in the U.S. government. Is it now a reason in the U.S. to be concerned? It sure is! There are plenty of Americans who are not ready to throw the U.S. Constitution into a scrapheap and replace it with chaos, mayhem and a very rude and mean form of authoritarian leadership. One that promises retribution to punish all previously loyal opposition.
Some want power and money to rule the day. God forbid, we could fall so low, so fast and in so doing, destroy our Institutions, and our children's future. Our U.S. Constitution is not a frivolous or capacious gift given to the 13 colonies to protect good government. It was a well thought out document put together by men who fought against the British and King George III, accomplishing a glorious victory. After that victory, the Articles of Confederation that had replaced British rule, failed the new Americans. Why? Well, it was a loose Federation with little to bind them together. No military, no common currency, no uniform taxation and no central area of political structure to rally around. A central thesis that could be followed was absent.
George Washington was genuinely heartbroken and perturbed over the failure of such a loose and ineffective Federation. He saw the need to rescue the situation and in short, 55 Founding Fathers were called to Philadelphia in 1787. In their studies of trying to find a new government, did they defend power and money for themselves? No, they did not. After serious study of past governments, they decided to simply give their hard-earned political positions and power to the people. They knew it could be a serious gamble to allow a government of the people and by the people who may not perform honorably governing one another. So, they put in Checks and Balances via the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches. Did their efforts work out? The first test was the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln and his Gettysburg Address followed by his second inaugural address seem to hold the country together thru a painful war. Ultimately, victory over division and slavery was complete.
So now, where are we? The voters this Presidential Election cycle have to decide if the Constitutional experiment in the U.S. is over. They question whether it is time for Russian or Hungarian style government to be employed in the U.S. Many Americans seem ready to surrender to such choices. They no longer relate to George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan, and the many other great past U.S. Presidents.
What happened to us? Could it be, we have simply lost the thread of where we came from and how we got this far? You betcha! If now, every voter will study those 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787, read Washington’s farewell address in New York City, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address, perhaps they would not be so easily surrendering our reliable form of government. We are not ready, in my opinion, for a different government filled with noise, chaos and personality worship.
I know where I stand. I stand behind those Founding Fathers who considered liberty one of the most important words in government. Many of them fought for freedom with their lives. We should not give up their hard work on a whim. We must gather and guard freedom’s gate for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Reason should save us from the abandonment of a tried and true form of government that has served us so well. Let us not fall to the negative appeal of power and money, which can lead to destruction of our very souls.
Future generations will thank us if we stay the course, embracing what our Founding Fathers gave us almost 240 years ago. Their political song must continue to be sung by a grateful public.
Liberty loving Ukrainians need and want the help of NATO and the United States. They want to remain a free country, free of Russian tyranny. Our military assistance and our best thoughts and prayers should go out to all of them.
Opening Image: The US Archives