Truth must emerge over innuendo, exaggeration, distortion, and distractions. TRUTH IS TRUTH, not just a political opinion that can be clouded by deception and deceit. Facts and evidence remain the backbone of our legal system. Unsupported emotional approaches, pushed by those seeking political gain, must be rejected or a just society will falter and lose its way.

I am 87, a grandfather, a retired small business owner, an amateur writer and an Army veteran, with 2 older brothers buried in Arlington Cemetery. The oldest was decorated for valor in World War II.
I write to express my thoughts over the BIG LIE. It is profoundly remarkable that 65% of ex-President Donald Trump’s supporters believe that Joe Biden was not the duly elected President of 2020.
My view is that there are no facts or evidence to support the BIG LIE. This came about by one man constantly harping and suggesting there was a big steal in the election. Sixty-two judicial cases found no wrongdoing. So let’s examine ex-President Donald Trump’s own telling of truth and let’s look at the Washington Post Newspaper fact check over ex-President activities spoken and written.
They found over 30,000 fact check lies in the past seven years, told by ex-President Donald Trump. Now if the Washington Post is incorrect over their findings, has Donald Trump brought suit for libel? I think not, because there are other sources that fact check and concur with the total number of lies. This enables me to question the veracity of Mr. Trump and to add two words to the above titled paper—liar, liar, (your pants are on fire.) And what about a world record for Pinocchio noses! Do all politicians lie? Yes, to some degree. But certainly not to this extent.
Now history professors whose job it is to rank Presidents, suggests that Mr. Trump comes in last out of all past Presidents. Meanwhile, properly and legally elected Joe Biden has already been given a ranking of 14th out of 47 overall on Presidential job performance so far.
So, for those 65% who believe in the BIG LIE, are they entitled to their opinion? They absolutely are. But what if it conflicts with my facts and evidence, what then? Over 500 insurrectionists are in jail for storming the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. They thought they were justified in their behavior because of the words of President Donald Trump, hinting that it was time for violence. Ropes on scaffolds were in the Capitol Building yard with the name of Vice President Michael Pence attached. Were there enough facts and evidence to substantiate their mob style behavior? So far, none have ever been presented. Many of us are indeed, all for freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom to protest in a proper matter without violence. Breaking down doors, breaking windows, causing permanent injury to several Capitol policemen, including deaths, is why some prison sentences were substantial. No judge, no jury, would describe those convicted of mob like behavior as “hostages”. It is a crock, and just adds to the chaos of the entire affair. We are a nation of laws, not of men. One of the very first speeches that Abraham Lincoln gave as a lawyer was one in which he distinguished between mob rule and court rule. He felt strongly that the answer for arguments in the marketplace were the court system. He felt the courts could control a civil society by legal outcomes.
Ex-President Donald Trump has very little good to say about courts, prosecutors, juries or judges, and he often states loudly that the Department of Justice and President Joe Biden are engaged in a witch hunt in which he has become victimized.
Ironically, in his real estate business, prior to becoming President of the United States, he had participated in 3,400 court cases. Many, many were disputes over work performed and fees. Just prior to taking office in 2017, his office had paid off a porn star to keep her silence. And then a week before actually taking office, he paid $25 million to get rid of Trump University claimants who accused him of fraud. Then in 2019, the state of New York fined him $2 million for the misuse of his Family Foundation, that had to be immediately dissolved as part of the settlement.
My point is, he is very, very familiar with our court system and the argument that he is a victim seems to me to come up short.
Thomas Jefferson said, “There are no angels in government,” but gee whiz, Mr. Trump just lost almost $500 million between two civil cases and yet he still has 91 felony counts against him pending in 4 other lawsuits.
Well, now, what about a properly elected President Joe Biden, is he a crook? After 50 years of government service, I fail to see a pattern of wrongdoing. He cooperates when accused of anything legally improper. Many potentates and dictators want the general public to believe there is no one good in government. Everyone is crooked. That is certainly not a fact in the United States. Our Founding Fathers gave up money and time to create the U.S. Constitution and to turn it over to the general public to try to make a perfect union. So we have had many excellent public servants in the past, in the present and I expect more in the future.
All I hope for is for truth to emerge over innuendo, exaggeration, distortion, and distractions. TRUTH IS TRUTH, not just a political opinion that can be clouded by deception and deceit.
Facts and evidence remain the backbone of our legal system. Unsupported emotional approaches, pushed by those seeking political gain, must be rejected or a just society will falter and lose its way.
God bless the U.S.A, especially those Americans who work so hard so that a just society can emerge from all of this chaos sown by those who seem bent on distortion.
Opening Image Photo Credits: Charlie Neibergall/Associated Press