I will continue writing blogs as long as I am able. We must not destroy the lives of so many immigrants that are here in America seeking a better life. It is a total fabrication that they are all "rapists, gangsters and insane". They commit fewer crimes than the average American citizen. Sean Hannity and Fox News are telling lies about them simply to feed baloney to all their viewers so that Rupert Murdoch can remain a billionaire, using disinformation and claptrap.

Dear reader, I will be 88 years old in three months. I write because I cherish my freedom under the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law, and our flag. I have taken a pledge of allegiance to that flag, and I have every intention to honor it until my very last breath. It is my profound opinion that at this time, all three of these sacred items are politically threatened by un-American and anti-American political groups. These groups have an intention to destroy our current long standing government, and replace it with groups of loyalists, groups of haters, and politicians who daily disregard their oath and their pledge to the Constitution. I am a grandfather, a writer by avocation, a retired small business owner and an army veteran with two older brothers buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Both of them experienced serious combat, and battle wounds. I served during peacetime in France in 1956-57 as a draftee. My military time was an eye-opening, wonderful experience for a 19 year old who got to ride the Orient Express train from Paris to Munich to attend a Personnel Specialists training course for seven weeks in southern Bavaria. I have a very special place in my heart for the American military. And especially for the patriotism of our leading Generals and Admirals in all military services.
I am divorced and live alone, attempting to live on my Social Security. I have family all over the world and grandchildren. I am quite worried now about the future of our grandchildren because of the new President calling climate change a hoax. Dear reader, climate change is threatening the entire world and it is not a hoax under any circumstances. And the head of Tesla appears to be going along with the hoax idea!?! Does he not care about the future welfare of his twelve children? Come on, lets get real!
I'm a Christian. I am in poor health and five years ago had a near death experience, (14 days in intensive care following a botched colon cancer operation). During three months of rehab and adjusting to a stoma bag, one morning I woke up and thought, “hey I'm going to live!” And I decided that morning, to promote God and country until the day I die. I also intend to keep telling the truth and working to overcome the impacts of climate change. I wrote a book 14 years ago entitled End Times Prose and Poetry. Every word in that book is still accurate and applicable to a world that is burning up and experiencing larger and larger hurricanes, typhoons, rainstorms and clear air turbulence. Stories of nervous citizens from California, Arizona, and Florida, who are considering a move out of the severe problems presented by the natural world are not uncommon. This world is on the brink of some climactic disturbances which are getting no better, and the 7 billion inhabitants are not engaged in solving the problems of this unique planet. The world has had back-to-back heat records broken in 2023 and 2024. Arizona and Nevada have over two months in the past two years of temperatures above 100°F. On many nights the temperature did not go below 100°F in those states.
What's my point? Well, new President Donald Trump (and for the first time ever, a Co-President Elon Musk), have decided to leave the Paris Climate Accords again. They want to get rid of all windmills, and they want to “drill baby drill”. They think the citizens of the country are too dumb to realize we already lead the world in oil and natural gas production, and we are exporting our precious energy sources to other countries at this time.
Two interesting things happened at Donald Trump's swearing in on the inaugural day. He never put his hand on the Bible while taking the oath to support the U.S. Constitution. And in his first Presidential address he said, “freedom of speech of all kinds will be protected”. That is good dear reader because I plan on using my First Amendment rights until the day I die. I have had a blog since February of 2023, and before God and all the angels, I try to be accurate and avoid falsehoods or exaggerations when I write. If anyone questions that, I would take heed and offer proof of my contentions or write corrections if I am proven wrong. I do not deal in misinformation, disinformation, innuendo, exaggerations or lies. Fox News pundits, social media, President Donald Trump and Elon Musk (X) do not respect common truth. Oddly, many times at 3:30 AM, President Donald Trump will put messages on Truth Social. His messages often are half-truths and lies. It is a sad state of affairs in my opinion. He does it relentlessly and without remorse. The audience accepts it regularly, but I do not, simply because it hurts too many innocent people.
President Trump recently pardoned 1,500 rioters (many convicted violent criminals) from the January 6, 2021 insurrection where they injured so many Capitol police, (half of which had voted for Donald Trump). This is an unbelievable truth because the insurrectionists were given more empathy and sympathy from President Donald Trump than those policemen that voted for him! This makes zero sense to me. Now those pardoned and released 1,500 felons will be in society, thinking they are heroes. I don't appreciate it at all, and I refuse to be silent. What is Donald Trump going to do to me for telling the truth? Arrest me? Or have one of his thugs kill me? Christ said, “do not fear someone that can kill the body, only fear someone with the power to destroy your soul”. I believe Patrick Henry was absolutely correct 250 years ago, when he said “give me liberty or give me death”. I do not venerate any false Gods before the true God. False Gods being venerated is a violation of the New Testament. My savior is now and always will be only Christ. I believe our President is beginning his second term as a lawless racketeer, mostly because he refuses to be truthful in his activities and in his speech. He is a properly convicted felon and his rap sheet and many other irregularities in his business life confirm it. However, I don't question whether he won the 2024 Presidential election. But I should mention that there is zero proof, zero facts and no evidence that the 2020 Presidential elections was "rigged" as President Trump said to Sean Hannity as recently as January 23, 2025. That is total B.S.! Joe Biden won the election fair and square! There are no facts, there is no evidence, and there is no proof to the contrary! It is the same story as Barack Obama being born in Africa, total B.S.!
Let me explore now how I arrived at my religious beliefs. Saint Francis of Assisi (the man of the Millennium), wanted to become a Catholic Friar in 1206, against the wishes of his wealthy father. Thereafter he wanted to reject a wealthy lifestyle for the remainder of his time on Earth. From that day forward St. Francis was a witness so powerful that his reputation has remained untarnished for these many years. He saved the Christian church that had permitted so many hateful injuries during the battle of the Crusades. The wrong doing of the church was put into perspective.
The next one of my heroes is St. Thomas More of England, the patron saint of lawyers. He refused to recognize the marriage of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn and he was told by the King to "either sign it, or loose your head". Thomas More could not go against his conscience. He stood on the scaffold with his family before him, and he uttered these last words “the King has asked me to be brief: I was a good servant to the King but to God first”. He died without an ounce of fear. His son-in-law, a lawyer, and his daughter were witnesses to every word he spoke on his last day and they preserved his words for history.
Ben Franklin, an enlightened early American, was instrumental in creating the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787 where 55 Americans gathered to produce a new form of government. The government they formed was given to the people, and those 55 men rejected power and money as their goal under the new U.S. Constitution. Ben Franklin died a God fearing, moral man, driven to do good for his fellow man.
Former President Abraham Lincoln said about the Christian faith: “I will belong to that church that's only rule for belonging is to love God with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your neighbor as thyself”. Abraham Lincoln is always ranked the number one President of the United States by 95% of professional historians. Lastly, Wernher von Braun, a young brilliant German engineer, who after World War II came to America and helped President John F. Kennedy create the moon project. It was a complete success. He was a brilliant engineer and a first-class public servant who once said, “yes, I believe in God because time and space is too orderly and predictable not to”.
Dear reader, I have said it before and I'll say it again, at this time in the history of our Christian religion, especially in the United States, we must take Biblical action. We now must read the parable “The Rich Man and Lazarus” in Luke, and read the “Sheep and the Goats” in Matthew. These two parables are powerful examples. Look them up, it's in the New Testament. Do yourself a religious favor and read them more than once. My prayer is to die in faith, die as a witness to the truth and to educate as many folks as I possibly can. We must honor our God. We must protect the poor and the innocent from government produced mayhem and false charges. Our country should not inflict cruel and unusual punishment on innocents, who are simply seeking a better life.
I will continue writing blogs as long as I am able. We must not destroy the lives of so many immigrants that are here in America simply seeking freedom and stability. It is a total fabrication that they are all "rapists, gangsters and insane". They commit fewer crimes than the average American citizen. Sean Hannity and Fox News are telling lies about them simply to feed baloney to their viewers so that Rupert Murdoch can remain a billionaire, using disinformation and claptrap to grow his business stock. Don't forget he has gone to court against his own children in order to protect his bias and ensure that all of the Fox News punditry continues using exaggeration, innuendo, and disinformation.
Dear reader, dear voter. Don’t fall for it. Remember President Ronald Reagan said as he ended his second term as President “we are a nation of immigrants”. He was proud of it and was not filled with condemnation aimed at immigrants.
Last May, now President Donald Trump refused to allow his followers to sign a Bipartisan Border Bill put together by conservative Senator James Langford of Oklahoma. Mr. Trump refused to support any Bill. He said he wanted to use the border problems as a tool to beat President Joe Biden in the election. This is just how disingenuous he can be as a general political proposition. Now he is sending the military to the border. They are already building concentration camps in Texas. They propose raiding sanctuary cities and invading churches, schools and some corporations. Their goal is to deport many many millions of immigrates. Dear reader, dear voter, is there a need to turn this country upside down on his projects over the immigrants? No there is not, it is mostly a crock. We can fix the border and we can get rid of disreputable immigrants, but they're not behind every tree, they're not all waiting in every parking lot, they're not all waiting outside of a bank to rob it. This is so much bunk and it's going to be so costly, we simply cannot allow the overstatement of the problem. Already many churches, many schools and many sanctuary cities are gathering to fight back over the divide and conquer tactics used by this new Administration. Aiming government force and power at immigrants is a mis-use of government authority in my opinion. If we do not condemn it, it means we are accepting cruelty.
His plans are to relentlessly turn this country upside down. His positions are goofy and weird, unsubstantiated and un-needed. Action taken with so much emotion and few facts should be condemned. Project 2025 is run by Christian Nationalists and other ideologues who have forsaken reason to promote their political positions. Let us get the House and the Senate together and put in place a fair border bill and stop this expensive nonsense. Joe Biden did not wreck the border, the border has been in and out of immigrant problems for the past 40 years or more. Gestapo type action proposed by emotional mis-guided politicians is NOT what we need in America. Again, we must all approach this problem as a united people, as a country and as a bi-partisan proposition.
Dear reader, pray that we don’t go willy nilly to harm innocent immigrants and their children. Remember 12% or 13% of the American work force, especially among Construction workers and Agriculture, is made-up of immigrants! Will our new President promise to pick tomatoes in Florida if he deports all of the agricultural workers there? Come on, let's join in and come up with a better idea of how to control the immigration problem.
My Bible says: “offences are bound to come, but woe onto him from where the offense cometh”. “What you do for the least of my brethren you do for me” Christ stated.
Let’s hope, let's pray, dear reader. Stay tuned, get involved and note well that there is nothing to fear over having love and consideration for immigrants. We are bound to love one another as my Bible has suggested. Dear reader, we must simply stop using immigrants as objects of distain. It costs too much money to be bigoted and prejudiced towards immigrants. It is wrong headed. I am not for complete open borders by any means, but for heavens sake, during the Biden Administration we added almost 17 million new jobs to the American workforce. Please fact check this. Now dear reader, calculate how much tax revenue, how much Social Security revenue, and how much Medicare revenue flowed into the American Treasury from this growth. Then remember at least 12% to 15% of that 17 million was filled by immigrants. Lets save money by slowing down all of the condemnation, unless we want to damage a very successful democracy. God bless every reader and every voter no matter what their political stripe or their religion.
Opening Image: Album Cover "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" 1957 Motion Picture Soundtrack, Microsoft Designer AI, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images