Let’s do a comparison between the two candidates dear reader. And I would appreciate it if the doubters reading my version would fact check everything that I'm saying for accuracy.

I'm 87 years old, a grandfather, a retired small business owner, a writer by avocation, and an Army veteran with two older brothers buried in Arlington National Cemetery. They fought in battle for this country, and who did they fight for? They fought for the U.S. Constitution and the flag. They never fought for a dictator or person. And above all, they were not “losers or suckers” having fought on behalf of their country.
I love the United States of America and I have, through studies, found much respect for George Washington and those 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787 who gave us the U.S. Constitution. Their earlier political structure, after defeating the British, was the Articles of Confederation which were too loosely designed and failed. So, they met in Philadelphia to form a more Perfect Union, and their final political document was the U.S. Constitution. It is very important for people to understand that George Washington and those 55 men had no interest in authoritarianism via a king or a dictator. They wanted the people to choose who represents them and to vote for that person, with majority rule. Now this country is in a dilemma of SCOTUS giving more power to the Executive Branch, thus weakening the intentions of the original U.S. Constitution. Project 2025, put together by MAGA Republicans and the Heritage Foundation has a mission to destroy the Administrative State functioning on behalf of the U.S. Government. Their mission needs a stronger Executive. Their mission is to get rid of the government employee construct and replace it with new loyal Executive followers. Dear reader, remember we are doing as well as any free country in the world. Our Social Security and Medicare programs are functioning efficiently. Are they perfect? The Social Security department is probably the most efficient major operation in the world. Medicare has abuses over drugs and doctors committing felonies over their criminal medical practices. Is it a wonton problem? Does our Medicare system need replacement? No! Next question, is the EPA an unnecessary agency? No. There are abuses by Corporate America. Who should be the watch dog over these abuses? Watch dogs are needed at the Federal level. Next question, is FEMA a waste of the tax payers money, assisting those who are victims of floods, tornados and hurricanes? Within the past few weeks candidate for President Donald Trump has put out false and groundless claims against FEMA. Irresponsible? Totally irresponsible dear reader.
We need our Administrative State which has been created over 248 years and is not just a whimsical political creation. Project 2025 is a mayhem and chaos creating document. Seemingly put together by anti-American and anti-government founders who apparently have nothing better to do than tear down their own government.
Let’s move on to a brief comparison between the two candidates dear reader. And I would appreciate it if the doubters reading my version would fact check everything that I'm saying for accuracy.
Kamala Harris is 59 years old and married to another lawyer who had two children from an previous marriage. The Vice President has been very active in raising and caring for those children. She has also been friendly and tolerant of the ex-wife, and they are actual friends. As far as education, the Vice President attended Howard University and her sorority sisters nick named her C3 which translates to cool, calm and collected. Several of those sorority sisters have suggested she has maintained that attitude since college. After graduating from Howard, she attended the California Hasting School of Law. She practiced law, she later became a District Attorney, and ran for and won the office of the California Attorney General supervising 900 assistant attorneys. She has a warming smile, she has a tolerant view of her own abilities and she uses those abilities in a distinguished way over handling the rule of law. In my opinion she is a moderate Democrat, but interpretation of her legal career has to be formed by each voter. The voters of California voted her into the U.S. Senate in 2016 and Joe Biden picked her as his Vice Presidential running mate in 2020. She is politically active as his Vice Present, doing missions on behalf of the President. In July of this year President Joe Biden relinquished his bid for a second term as President of the United States. He endorsed the Vice President to take his place and the Democratic party fell in line behind her candidacy. She's running for President of the United States with a shortened time to win over the voters. Since her nomination, her espoused political views seem to be moderately progressive. She has promised to cut taxes for the middle class and raise taxes for wealthier Americans. She has also promised to reestablish the border legislation that was conceived by bipartisan legislators but stopped by candidate Donald Trump for political reasons. Most of the border patrol and many of the objective observers thought it was a good bill from the beginning.
Let’s look at Donald Trump. He was born 78 years ago into wealth. His father was involved in real estate and building apartment complexes in the New York area, and was financially very successful. Donald Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance. After working for his father, he was given $300 million to begin his own career. How did ex-President Donald Trump make out on his own in the business world? Well, he filed for bankruptcy six times, he lost money on casinos, and he was sued 3,400 times for various reasons in the trade. He "wrote" several books of self-promotion, he sold vodka and steaks, and finally he cashed in quite well on the TV show "The Apprentice". He started a promotion called The Trump University which charged $35,000 for extensive real-estate training that proved such a failure that he was sued for fraud. And two weeks before he was sworn in as President of the United States, he paid out $25 million to get rid of the legal case. Throughout his career and while in business, he promoted himself extensively. Did he over promote, did he overplay his reputation? There's no question that he exaggerated. Because of his self promotion and "The Apprentice", his reputation and popularity grew. He finally decided in 2015 that he would make a run for the United States Presidency. How did that work out? He defeated candidate Hillary Clinton by a sliver of the Electoral College although she won the popular vote by nearly 6 million votes. So now dear reader, how did President Trump perform during his four years as Executive of the United States of America? Well, over 100 reputable professional historians who made past Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln number one, Theodore Roosevelt in the top ten and Ronald Reagan in the top 15, put Mr. Trump dead last because he did several things that caused his reputation to suffer. Number one he gave a huge tax cut to the already rich. Number two, he set a modern four-year first term President record of spending nearly $8 trillion over budget. And you have to remember for much of that time he had control of the House and Senate. He also promised to build a wall paid for by the Mexican government. That never happened. He also took an anti-science point of view over COVID. For example, he took a confusing attitude over how to treat the disease. To his credit the drug industry came up with a very quick vaccination for COVID, but President Trump took an open view on whether everyone should choose to receive the vaccination. The United States set a COVID record for free world countries while he was President at over million deaths. Nearly 100,000 deaths occurred by unvaccinated victims of the disease. Did some of those who died with out a vaccination express regret over not getting one? Death bed regrets were heard many times, saying the person dying wished they had taken the vaccination. Before he left the Executive office he was impeached twice. Trump's dealings with the Russian government, either borrowing money from Russia or receiving favors from Russia to help promote him for the Presidency were highlighted often during his period in office. In May of 2017, he invited Russian operatives and the Russian ambassador to the White House without the American press being allowed in, and made it clear to the Russians that he was protecting their political interests in the United States.
In 2020 as the second term election process got underway, Donald Trump immediately began suggesting the Democrats were going to be cheating over the voting process. And he said that if he lost, it would be a stolen election. When the election was over he began loud rumblings that it was fixed and improper. William Barr, Trump's Attorney General, and Chris Krebs the Republican appointed voting system analysist suggested there was no wrongdoing by the Democrats and the election was honest in every form. Despite this, 62 lawsuits were filed by Trump operatives and they lost them all. However, many MAGA Republicans (up to 80%), still believe it was a stollen election. Do they have facts or evidence to substantiate their beliefs? Dear reader, sadly historians will show you none whatsoever. It is a made-up deal. Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, Donald Trump egged on his followers, constantly suggesting it was a rigged election. Finally as January 6th 2021 approached, Mike Pence was to preside over the final vote of the Electoral College. Donald Trump had his right-wing MAGA followers emotionally ready to storm the Capitol building where Mike Pence was ready to swear in the final vote from the Electoral College. The rope carrying screaming armed mob of over 3,000 attacked the Capitol building and police, and at least three died over this attack. And several have been maimed for life. Mike Pence had to escape temporarily because the mob was searching for him while screaming for him to be caught, carrying ropes and erecting fake gallows. Eventually after 8 hours, when peace was finally back in control, the Electoral College vote was taken. The outcome? Strangely, oddly and sadly eight United States Senators, MAGA Republicans, failed to honor their oath to the Constitution and bless the Presidency of Joe Biden. Also, 142 Congressmen refused to vote for affirmation. Did they provide proof, facts or evidence for the reason they voted "no"? Dear reader, they had none to offer. They voted "no" basically on political expediency. Was this an extremely sad day in history for the United States of America? You're damn right it was. After Donald Trump finally relinquished the White House on January 21st, Joe Biden took office as the properly and legally elected President.
Out of office, Trump was sued Federally in New York, Florida, and Georgia. The journalist E. Jean Carrol sued Donald Trump in a civil case of sexual abuse and a jury awarded her $5 million. Despite that jury verdict, Donald Trump kept defaming E. Jean Carroll and lost an additional $80 million. He is still appealing that matter. He was sued for attempting to alter election tabulators and questioning election outcomes in Georgia. He was sued Federally for taking documents belonging to the U.S. Government to Mara Lago, that is still pending. He was sued for fraud in paying off a porn star to keep silent during the 2016 election cycle. That case finally came to trial in the spring of 2024 and he demanded that many of his followers support him by showing up at the trial. The list included the Speaker of the House Michael Johnson, who dutifully left his job in the Capitol and showed up in New York to support Trump. This was a jury trial in which Donald Trump was charged on 34 felony counts. Is this unheard of or is this an unusual situation? You will have to make up your own mind. But within days the jury came back with a guilty verdict on all 34 counts. The ex-President will be sentenced for this conviction on November 25, 2024.
Now dear reader, it appears that ex-President Donald Trump, in his candidacy for another term as President, is again suggesting the election will be rigged and the Democrats will be cheating. Between him and Fox News, over 80% of MAGA Republicans believe in his grievances. No proof, no facts, no evidence. This is a very sad commentary, that a politician can persuade his followers with alternative facts over truth. What he seems to be doing is inviting his followers to appear at the very gates of Hell where lies, deception, and hostility are the qualifiers for entrance and where truth and love are absent.
What we need now is exactly and precisely what Vice President Kamala Harris will offer as a professional politician. She is truthful, she is mild mannered but tough. She believes in the rule of law, she believes in America, she believes in our children. We must not continue this rush to Project 2025 that wants to trash our 248 years of the U.S. Constitution, and turn over 50,000 federal employees, as the new ones will be forced to follow the strong man. They expect to be on their way to destroying the Administrative State. Folks, it’s all a crock. And I'm sure causing George Washington and our 55 Founding Fathers to roll over in their graves!
We are actually quite well off in America. We are not overwhelmed with criminal immigrants. It's a trick to promote hate by MAGA Republicans and Fox News. Crime is actually down in America. The border, in October 2024 now has fewer immigrants trying to enter America than when Donald Trump was President. The innuendo from Mr. Trump and Fox News is pure B.S. We are the envy of the free world. Please do your studies! Again, read the Gettysburg Address, read the Constitution, study the Battle Hymn of the Republic, study our American patriotic songs, study the flag, and love your country. Because if you don’t, you are going to lose it to an authoritarian who will promptly cancel all prior American history as meaningless.
God bless the United States of America and pray to keep our children and grandchildren free from all the moronic mayhem and chaos that is delivered by senseless loud political rants. Dear voter, please do not vote for this MAGA madness. Do not construct your vote from the price of eggs, you must vote on whether you want to maintain a democratic form of government under the rule of law. Our legal Bible is the U.S. Constitution. It has worked for 248 years, let us not abandon it and fall into a world of despotism. For my money, I want someone who is cool, calm and collected. And I hope a majority of you will agree.
Dear reader, thank you for reading this and we must pray that God will bless our country and our flag. Now, all of our energy must be put into the future of protecting our children and grand children.
Opening Image: U.S. Senate Photographic Studio, Flagline.com, Getty
Excellent article, thank you for all your writing’s!