Your great vision and imagination are still needed for more victories. Millions throughout the world want you to finish your term well. So please Sir, complete your last verse of the Battle Hymn of the Republic for all of us, embracing your political talent and decency.

Dear President Joe Biden:
I am 87, a grandfather, a retired small business owner, a writer by avocation and an Army veteran with two older brothers buried in Arlington National Cemetery. I own three copies of the U.S. Constitution that those 55 men in Philadelphia created in 1787. That Constitution was unique and a very special document. They gave up their position to give that document to the people, of, by and for them.
Now after 52 years of your public service Mr. President, you have been asked to surrender your second term voluntarily. Remember, your three and half years in office have produced so much that it is the envy of the entire free world. Now Mr. President (I call you Saint Joe), you have voluntarily given up your second term. Would your actions have coincided with the politics of George Washington and our Founding Fathers? Yep! They were against all forms of ambitious power fights. Many of your supporters, including me, felt robbed over your dropping out of the race, but you graciously and nobly insisted it was your choice to give up your second term.
But now you are needed to govern for six more months! The U.S. and 80 countries of the free world want the American umbrella of freedom and liberty to stand by them. So, Mr. President you cannot walk away from your destiny which requires you to do more service and to use your rightfully won bully pulpit to advance progress. We want you to deliver for your citizens. We want you to stand by Ukraine’s needs including not just military equipment, but emotional support from every American. The world is melting in the heat, and yet SCOTUS wants to shut down the EPA by strangling them legally. Your great vision and imagination are still needed for more victories. Millions throughout the world want you to finish your term well. So please Sir, complete your last verse of the Battle Hymn of the Republic for all of us, embracing your political talent and decency. Thank you, thank you, for your service!
Gregory N. Austin
Opening Image: Politico/Mark Makela/Getty Images