We must save the future for our children by our positive actions. And for those who have given up on America and are soft on autocratic viewpoints, we must win them back to good government. This would make our Founding Fathers rest in peace, please God and thereby brighten the future for those who follow us. We must value and keep safe our positive traditions that have served us so well for so many years.

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Especially if you believe in George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and above all, those 55 men in Philadelphia who created our U.S. Constitution in 1787, the Founding Fathers as it were. If you do believe in them, then right now we need all hands-on deck to preserve what they found in the 3 months of that summer. Now in the United States there are forces that are seeking to dissolve our democracy and replace it with autocratic type leadership.
We cannot let it happen. Clearly, we must think only of the rule of law, our U.S. Constitution and our flag. That is our history for 240 years. Why turn our back on those Founding Fathers, who when the going got tough and when the Articles of Confederation failed, came to the rescue of good government by creating the U.S. Constitution during that summer of 1787? They defeated King George III and did not want an oppressive type of government to take its place. Instead, they jumped to a more “perfect union”, and that of course was the U.S. Constitution. Why the heck would we want to give it up now when it is at the height of so many years of success?
Think of this. Almost a million immigrants are at our borders, attempting to become citizens of the U.S. Are they criminals and rapists? Absolutely not. They are fleeing autocratic, poorly run governments in hopes of finding a better environment. Conversely, has anyone suggested that China, North Korea, Hungary, or Russia has immigrants at their borders, trying to get in? The answer is no, people vote with their feet in those four countries, and in the case of Finland, they have had to close their borders because of such a mass of Russian immigrants. The U.S. is a free society with plenty to offer incoming candidates for citizenship, and this goes back 400 years. Meanwhile, autocrats in power dominated countries, not run by the people, desire blind followers to do their will. Too many American politicians lack courage or imagination in dealing with our immigration issues. So, to divide us in an attempt to conger support, they accuse innocent immigrants of crimes. It is a shallow, disgusting scam used by the wannabee dictators throughout the world. De-humanizing your opponents is the the first step in an autocrat's play book. So, what is the answer? It is simply good politicians that want to relieve the chaos at the borders by using honest, inciteful and bipartisan government means. Instead, we see too often, cynical politicians and pundits going on Fox News, showing nightly immigrant scenes at our southern borders. It is truly pathetic and un-American. Especially since they do not seek or provide a remedy for the problem.
Lest we forget, Ronald Reagan in his last days as President, defended the United States and its immigrant policies.
Today, the U.S. has problems involving race , drugs, guns, some inflation, crime, and finally, looming climate change problems. However, we are a nation of laws who have a history of overcoming our problems despite the malcontents who try to get elected by spouting so much criticism of the very government they are sworn to protect.
What to do? We need what we had back in 1787 in Philadelphia, a civic duty, which was designed to create a better government. One that was given to the people. Those men were not driven by power and money, but proudly embraced patriotism.
This is the year that we must find 55 to 555* men and women of influence and love of country. They must garner the spirit of our Founding Fathers and seek a reaffirmation in 2024 of that spirit. We need vitality and mission type attitudes to keep the rule of law alive. We need another reaffirmation of our U.S. Constitution, avoiding at all costs those politicians who have given up on the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag and our country. We must keep our traditions alive and well, by driving those out who use disinformation to advance a dishonorable position.
At this moment the voter cannot be silent because silence is consent over our serious political problems. This is the year of guard duty to protect and reaffirm a God fearing, healthy bond between our government and the people of good will. What could be better than that for our children? Speak out for truth and freedom!
Let truth and love of country motivate us to all join together to overcome that negative division that is so active in modern American politics. How do we fight so much division? We must attack lies and disinformation, as well as conspiracy theories that have no basis in facts or evidence. Abraham Lincoln said it best about scheming political operatives that mislead when he said “you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
We must save the future for our children by our positive actions. And for those who have given up on America and are soft on autocratic viewpoints, we must win them back to good government. This would make our Founding Fathers rest in peace, please God and thereby brighten the future for those who follow us. We must value and keep safe our positive traditions that have served us so well for so many years.
*in 1787 the population of the new United States of America was approximately 3 million. Today the U.S. population stands in excess of 300 million. Today we need many times as many patriots to embrace the idea of a government, "...for and by the people."
editors note: Americans should understand the economic research pointing to the fact that increasing immigration is a way we can maintain our position as the largest and most powerful economy on the planet despite our aging population and declining birth rates.