80% of MAGA Republicans, believe that the Democratic Party will not handle the vote fairly in 2024. The question is, is there evidence or reason to believe their contention? Dear reader, dear voter there are no facts, there is no evidence, there is no proof that the Democratic Party or the Democratic voter is not fair minded. Fox News, Rupert Murdock, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson led by ex-President Donald Trump, are the fathers of these lies, and they do it shamelessly. As an 87 year old patriotic American who has voted Republican and Democratic, it is getting to the point where I will not leave this earth being silent over the B.S. about our voting system in the United States. Trying to intimidate opponents by creating false and groundless claims is un-American, anti-American, and possibly criminal in some cases.

I'm 87 years old, a grandfather, a retired small business owner, a writer by avocation and an Army veteran with two older brothers buried in Arlington National Cemetery. (The oldest, William Austin was in World War II. He was shot while in France by a sniper in the shoulder and returned to battle 6 weeks later from England. He served in Korea and Vietnam and retired after 32 years of service.) These two fought in war as soldiers, for the U.S. Constitution and our flag. They were not losers or suckers!
I served in the U.S. Army as a draftee in 1956 and 1957, serving in France and Germany. As a 19-year-old I saw England, Scotland, Switzerland and Italy, all paid for by the U.S. government. I felt lucky and very grateful for the experience.
There has been so much talk lately about ex-President Donald Trump and his envy of Adolf Hitler. History was my major in college. In the 1960’s I belonged to the World War II book club and of course I spent time in Germany in the military. I was able to visit what they called Hitler's “Eagle’s Nest” in 1957. This was in the Bavarian Alps near Garmisch. I believe Adolf Hitler was a very cruel fascist who always carried around a sense of revenge especially over the treatment of the country of Germany after their defeat in World War I. He thought the war end settlement was unfair and he was driven to seek retribution. After he came to power in 1933 as Chancellor of the German government, one of the first items on his agenda was to build concentration camps to house his opposition. (The Jewish camps came later) He also made it quite clear to all political parties and the military, that the term “Heil Hitler” would be used on all greetings in Germany, and all political allegiances must be given to him personally, not to the country of Germany. He set up the secret police called the Gestapo whose job was to maintain full and complete loyalty to their leader. As a matter of fact, the Gestapo was kept very busy by Germans spying on Germans and reporting on those who showed any lack of loyalty to Adolf Hitler.
Hitler was in power from 1933 to April 1945. During that period, he built up Germany’s military and began plotting and scheming over the expansion of German territory. He invaded Poland in 1939 which caused France and England to declare war on Germany. That war did not get into full swing until 1940 when the Germans invaded Belgium and France to be followed by Holland and the Scandinavian countries. The English were bombarded by a bombing blitz, but the Germans backed out of any intention to invade England. In June of 1941 the Germans invaded Russia and fought vigorously until the war’s end in 1945. He had declared war on the United States five days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941. Dear reader, along the way Adolf Hitler was responsible for killing 6 million Jews, and millions and millions of military and civilian populations in every country they occupied.
In 1941 the United States was barely underway in building up its military at that time.
The United States quickly recruited over 14,000,000 soldiers to go to war against Japan and Germany. (We went from issuing wooden rifles for training purposes in 1941 to building 68 aircraft carriers, 300,000 bombers and fighters, and 4,000 liberty ships), and the atomic bomb was built in June of 1945 and two bombs were dropped on Japan in August of 1945, effectively ending that war.
What is the point of all this talk of WWII? Well dear reader as we all know, historically, Hitler was not a good guy. He was a vengeful leader constantly seeking revenge for anyone who dared take away their loyalty.
So let's explore five Americans who seem soft on such a dictator as Adolf Hitler:
1. Ex-President Donald Trump
2. Genius engineer Elon Musk
3. Rupert Murdock, owner of the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, and Fox News.
4. Sean Hannity, the star of pundits on Fox News.
5. Tucker Carlson, defender of Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban and fascism in general.
The list below is what these five have in common in the negative political sense:
1. “No” to patriotism to the United States of America.
2. “No” to truth (truth is just a political opinion).
3. “No” to oaths and pledges to the Constitution or our flag.
4. “No” to civility, because it is a sign of weakness.
5. “No” to all immigrants because they are criminals, or insane, or rapists.
Donald Trump has made it clear; he has no respect for America. Remember, he has over 30,000 fact checked lies presented to the American public in the past 8 years. Fact checked by the Washington Post and the Toronto Star. He is a convicted felon, found guilty on 34 counts of fraud during the 2016 election. He filed for bankruptcy six times in business, was sued 3,400 times over business tactics, and accused by over 20 women of sexual abuse. He was sued by E. Jean Carrol for civil sexual assault, and he lost that case with a verdict of $5 million, to be followed by an $80 million loss for defaming E. Jean Carrol. He is appealing both cases. For the case of 34 counts of fraud, that sentence will be handed down November 25th, 2024.
Elon Musk is a naturalized American citizen who took an oath to defend the Constitution and our flag. He is truly a brilliant engineer who originally seemed aggressive toward solving the problem of climate change. He owns Star Link technologies doing business throughout the world. His Tesla company is a very successful maker of electric cars. Many were surprised that Elion Musk would affiliate himself politically with someone who called climate change a hoax. He is considered to be perhaps the second richest man in the world financially. Of course, Vladimir Putin is number one, owning every drop of oil and gas and natural resources taken from the citizens of Russia. It is peculiar to me that there are rumors of Elon Musk being close to Vladimir Putin, sharing personal phone calls etcetera. It is peculiar that he is so weak on Patriotism towards the United States, where he has made all of his money and of course is a naturalized American citizen. He is one of a thousand billionaires in America. Sadly, many of them have no gratitude for the American business environment that helped make them rich. All they do is complain about taxes and government regulations.
Rupert Murdoch who is also a naturalized American citizen and who owns the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post newspaper, and Fox News. It is clear to any fair-minded observer that that Rupert Murdoch is not a truth seeker. He is trying to protect a successful "communication" business that is masterful in half-truths, exaggeration, innuendo and sprinkled with occasional lies. He has paid in one case in particular, almost a billion dollars in damages that he voluntarily paid over the accusation of defamation. Did this loss cause Fox News to change its position over truthfulness and the delivery of information? No, he made it clear that that was not going to happen. The trajectory of Fox News in the evening remains full of half-truths, innuendo, exaggeration. They also leave out any derogatory information on ex-President Donald Trump from their broadcasts. Their business strategy panders to their viewer's political slants and positions. They keep satisfying their viewers by showing crime in New York and crime in Seattle.
Next; Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity has a Fox News evening show, one of the most popular on cable TV. He also is a half-truth salesman, or no truth specialist who seemingly every evening, highlights crime in America, as well as overstating the immigrant problems in America. He blames all of America’s problems on the Democrats and the liberal government. How is this working out for him? Dear reader, he is no doubt, one of the highest paid pundits on cable television. His delivery to his viewers is a constant flow of negativity coming out about the Democratic Party. Finally he is extremely loyal to ex-President Donald Trump. Don't forget ex-President Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin a "genius". Meanwhile Sean Hannity rarely has anything negative on his show about Donald Trump.
Next, Tucker Carlson defends fascism, defends Viktor Orban and defends Vladimir Putin. He travels to Hungary and Russia for interviews. He espouses relentlessly, a distain for liberals and Democrats and has a peculiar and goofy explanation why he must consistently present hate speech for his viewers consumption. What is the explanation? It must be he feels his bread gets buttered the more he can defame and disgrace his opponents.
In summary dear reader, dear voter, to have any affiliation or any empathy or any sympathy toward the career of Adolf Hitler, goes against all common sense and goes against all those past American leaders who were seeking a just society. Germany after World War II had withdrawal pains over Adolf Hitler. The United States of America occupied Germany as part of the four-part occupation by the U.S, Russia, England, and France. The United States actually forced the German citizens to attend classes wherein the United States Constitution was explained to the citizens of the occupied section. How well did that work out? After three or four years, after the Marshall Plan and after the United States consistently showed a fair-minded occupation of their country, they ended up becoming a strong democratic partner with the United States. This has prevailed for all these years. In 1962 Chancellor Konrad Adenauer visited President John F. Kennedy in the White House and thanked him for the political genius of the United States over how they introduced Germany to a new kind of government. He also said it took great courage for the U.S. to forsake severe punishment and reprisals, after their victory over Germany.
So dear reader, these five gentleman that I have cited above for their lack of Patriotism to their own government and the U.S. Constitution, seem to be disingenuous and are all harmful to the United States. America must never show favoritism toward fascism of any kind. George Washington and the 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787 all agreed that they rejected kings, they rejected dictators, and they rejected authoritarians. Their gift to the people of the United States was the U.S. Constitution which gave the people the power to elect their own leaders for a term of office. No dictators, no kings.
We need a rebirth and a new commitment to the United States of America's political system. We are the envy of the free world, and we are economically well off. We are not perfect, but we evolve, and we try hard to be better. I will say this, and I mean it sincerely, God bless the United States of America and God bless the way we treat new legal immigrants entering our society. Remember dear voter, so many Russians are fleeing their country that Finland has had to close its borders to stop the influx. The people of the world vote with their feet when they are choosing a new country to live in. We all know the United States is the number one choice. All Presidents except Donald Trump, have recognized that immigrants are a critical part of our political and economic systems. Dear reader, dear voter, Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch came to this country and I would like to ask them face to face, whether they are grateful for the business opportunities they received in America? Come on boys, this is a wonderful country we are living in, and many of us are getting tired of your negativity that is groundless. Especially, the way ex-President Donald Trump was part of the problem when he quashed the bipartisan border bill in May of 2024, for political reasons.
We have peculiar communication situations rising in America. For example, 80% of MAGA Republicans, believe that the Democratic Party will not handle the vote fairly in 2024. The question is, is there evidence or reason to believe their contention? Dear reader, dear voter there are no facts, there is no evidence, there is no proof that the Democratic Party or the Democratic voter is not fair minded. Fox News, Rupert Murdock, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson led by ex-President Donald Trump, are the fathers of these lies, and they do it shamelessly. As an 87 year old patriotic American who has voted Republican and Democratic, it is getting to the point where I will not leave this earth being silent over the B.S. about our voting system in the United States. Trying to intimidate opponents by creating false and groundless claims is un-American, anti-American, and possibly criminal in some cases.
Come on boys, grow up. Do your duty to God and country and stop the division! As an 87 year old I must bring up the name of Nathan Hale, who when he was about to be executed by the British in 1776 expressed these words, “I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country”. My patriotic feelings are so strong because of George Washington and those 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787 that I proudly say those same words. Do I really believe “God shed his grace on thee” (America). We are not a perfect nation, but we endure because of patriotism and truth.
Every American should now be praying that our children and grandchildren will be free from mayhem and chaos after the election of 2024.
Opening Image: Ryan Lash/Agence France-Presse Via TED Conference, Flagline.com, NPR, Fox News