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Writer's pictureGregory N. Austin

Each Moment is an Opportunity to Return to the Beginning

We need a rebirth of facts and simple calm discourse. We cannot afford to listen to the many loud chaotic noises that are leading us to so much calamity. We must allow ourselves to give in to reasoned discussion. An opportunity has arrived when we can indeed improve ourselves with a new beginning, one that protects the future for our children and grandchildren.

Painting from 1856 by Junius Brutus Stearns of the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

truth·ful /ˈtro͞oTHf(ə)l/ adjective, telling or expressing the truth

These are not normal times in the United States. We have 13 million new jobs in the past 2 years and unemployment is at an all-time low. We are fighting inflation better than the 29 EU countries. NATO is stronger and our position in S.E. Asia is also stronger. Immigration is a problem—especially at our southern border. The problem is political. The Republican Party controls the Congress but only blames the minority Democrats for the chaos. Instead of seeking remedies, governors in Florida and Texas ship new immigrants on buses to be deposited in New York, Illinois, California, and other states. And it is done with ridicule and cruelty. How do they get away with this? Especially when they offer few remedies which makes sense. How do these governors stay in power? We must demand they get behind a practical, political solution. The people must choose leaders that can solve problems. President Harry Truman said, the people deserve what they get when they choose such candidates.

What is the answer to ensure good government? It remains civics, knowing how our country was founded through the Founding Fathers, our Constitution, our respect for our courts, and our laws. All of our institutions like the police, the FBI, our military and yes, the IRS, must be accepted.

Honoring your own government is not a sin. Paying your taxes is not a sin. Looking for truth, accountability and the rule of law is always a good idea.

A political sin, a religious sin, is when someone attempts to undermine good government through the use of cults and hairbrained schemes like believing in a Big Lie. Especially when there is simply no good argument that the Big Lie is true. Sixty-two courts have found no facts or evidence to support the Big Lie. However, the Big Lie has been accepted by many of the gullible.

Can the gullible and the easily misled vote for whomever they please? They absolutely can under our U.S. Constitution. But in the scheme of political discourse we can try to influence voter outcomes via truth, facts and evidence. Good government arises out of substantial facts, replacing smoke and mirrors.

We need a rebirth of facts and simple calm discourse. We cannot afford to listen to the many loud chaotic noises that are leading us to so much calamity. We must allow ourselves to give in to a reasoned discussion. An opportunity has arrived when we can indeed improve ourselves with a new beginning, one that protects the future for our children and grandchildren.

So, let us recapture that same unity that our country embraced in World War II. We all accepted unity and purpose. We accomplished our mission of defeating Japan and Germany in under four years. Now the world still needs us and wants us to lead as a moral force. Let us practice E Pluibus Unum to rescue us from so much strife and division. Our flag and our Constitution call us to sign up for 240 more years of success!

Let us Return to the Beginning, and do it now!

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