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Writer's pictureGregory N. Austin

Truth and Patriotism Must Prevail

Elon Musk is only interested in power and money. This has clouded his reasoning. He reminds me of Henry Ford and Charles Lindberg in 1941, as they turned their back on patriotism to their country and would not renounce the efforts of Adolf Hitler. Remember, 150 years ago the American minister Tryon Edwards said these important words, “hell is truth seen too late, duty neglected in its season”.

Trump bamboozles Elon Musk out of his money
The richest man in the world thinks he's calling the shots...

I am 87 years old and willing to work hard to maintain freedom and liberty in our country, because the mayhem and chaos offered daily by ex-President Donald Trump, borders on the insane. The lies are spectacular in their lack of foundation or reason. Dear reader, to have studied this man as much as I have, I must remind you that he is a convicted felon with 34 counts of fraud, he is a convicted female abuser losing $5 million for abuse followed afterward by an additional $80 million for malice and defamation in the case of E. Jean Carroll. He defrauded the State of New York for over $500 million. He paid a $2 million fine for abuse of his Family Foundation which was forced to shut down. He paid $25 million to Trump University students for fraud. His real estate company has been sued over 3,400 times. He has serious cases pending right now, and he is spending over $100 million of other people’s money to postpone their outcome and to keep revelations of facts and evidence out of public sight. These cases will be adjudicated after the election and the 34-count fraud case sentence will be made clear on November 25th. What is quite peculiar in all of these cases is he keeps complaining that he is a victim and that so many of his opponents are after him. He states, “Its all just a witch hunt” and he claims he’s innocent. Dear reader, most defendants that claim vigorously that they're innocent, do not do everything under their power and use every dime they can find to postpone revealing what is in these remaining cases. He protests too much, to be convincing. Do the evening pundits on Fox News believe him? Heck no, but because of their commitment to support Donald Trump it is a must for their loyal listeners who expect Fox News to fall in line behind their cult leader. Their position at Fox is simple, they make money by employing innuendo, misinformation and lies. Are they good at it? You betcha! Sean Hannity is the number one bandleader and cult follower, and he is the highest paid pundit in all of right-wing cable television. The least of his worries is having to advance truth. His job, per the owner of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, is to keep the listeners happy with the innuendo and the exaggeration. When Donald Trump is involved in negative news of any kind, Sean Hannity will never report it or comment on it. His main function is to criticize and point out all the liberal crime in New York and San Francisco. Why does he always leave out any possible wrongdoing of Donald Trump? Because his reporting is geared towards making his listeners happy and never reporting negatives about their candidate. So how is Fox News doing? Darn good! So good that they can pay out millions and millions of dollars to plaintiffs who accuse them of lies and disinformation. One case (Dominion Corporation), that differs, was voluntarily given almost a billion dollars to settle the lawsuit. Did that settlement later modify the Fox lies, their innuendo, their disinformation and their exaggerations? No dear reader, they are totally wrapped up in pleasing their viewers. They are not worried about having to pay occasionally for minor defamation cases.


There are some fascinating statistics resulting from so much lying in the marketplace, so much disinformation and innuendo. For example, polls now show that over 80% of MAGA Republicans believe that the Democratic party is voting incorrectly and fraudulently. Do they have any facts or evidence that lend proof to their position? Nope. But their leader Donald Trump tells them daily that his opponents are cheaters at the polls. All voters dear reader, have a duty to their country to vote with reason over rumor and innuendo. Why? Because our Founding Fathers when they constructed the U.S. Constitution made it clear they wanted the people to pick their leaders. They trusted the people to make correct and thoughtful decisions. So where are we now 248 years later? Well, let's get Shakespeare involved because he said, “to be or not to be, that is the question”. So please read the next paragraph very carefully.


Is the United States of America to be a country of laws and continue to follow our legal Bible, the U.S. Constitution? Or is the Constitution not to be honored in the political marketplace anymore? Is truth just an alternative political opinion that opponents can disregard defiantly? Now November 5, 2024 the jury, (you voters) will answer that question. We all must pray that the voter understands it is not the cost of eggs, cars or houses in this election. Why? Because political forces are gathering to smother our U.S. Constitution into a new form of government through Project 2025. Their leader of course would be the strong man, ex-President Donald Trump. The problem with that concept is, George Washington made it clear and our Founding Fathers made it even more clear through the U.S. Constitution, that they had no interest in kings or dictators leading their new country. George Washington, one of the richest men in the country, after defeating the British in the War of Independence in 1782, promptly said he had no interest in being an authoritarian. Also, our Founding Fathers, those 55 men in Philadelphia in 1787 agreed and said their Perfect Union, the U.S. Constitution would have a President chosen by the people. Why are we trying to change that now? We are the envy of the free world. We are not perfect, but we adjust and try to get better through our legal system. Historians agree we have been the leader of the free world since 1945.


One of Americans most talented engineers is Elon Musk. Probably the most talented since Werner Von Braun who helped President John Kennedy create the moon project. I had hopes for years that Mr. Must would be instrumental in helping to solve climate change and the global warming mess. Instead he is financing ex-President Donald Trump’s campaign for President, when in fact Trump calls climate change a “hoax”. Dear reader, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea are a brewing soup of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. That water is the locomotive for hurricanes that hit the United States. Hurricane Helene hit 5 states with a force of over 100 tornadoes. The bad news is, Milton is targeting Florida as we speak. And there are currently 4 or 5 more hurricanes brewing. Dear reader, dear voter, who can we depend on to start solving the problem of climate change?!? Elon Musk has 12 children, many of us with grandchildren do not want to leave them to this horrific problem we are going to face. From appearances, Elon Musk is only interested in power and money. This has clouded his reasoning. He reminds me of Henry Ford and Charles Lindberg in 1941, as they turned their back on patriotism to their country and would not renounce the efforts of Adolf Hitler.


In World War II 400,000 soldiers fought and died for our freedom and our liberty. And they died protecting the U.S. Constitution against dictators. They died for an idea, a political ideal. Dear voter, they were not losers, and they were not suckers. Anyone who believes that has turned their backs on truth and patriotism. George Washington our first U.S. President in 1792 asked for every citizen to embrace patriotism. A patriot loves their country and is loyal to their flag. Saint Peter in the New Testament said, “honor your government and pay your taxes, and pray for those in authority.”


Dear reader, please vote, vote. Read the Declaration of Independence, read the U.S. Constitution. Read Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Read the words in the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and many other great patriotic songs. We should simply keep “his truth is marching on”. Once again remember, 150 years ago the American minister Tryon Edwards said these important words, “hell is truth seen too late, duty neglected in its season”. God bless the rule of law in the United States of America and keep our children and grandchildren safe from mayhem and chaos.

editors note: People interested in Climate Change solutions should check out Greg's earlier Return to the Beginning post, "The Earth Burns, The People Sleep" or Greg's second book "End Times Prose and Poetry". The book is available on


Opening Image: Ryan Lash/Agence France-Presse Via TED Conference, Llc/Afp Via Getty Images, Adobe Stock Photos, Sarah Grillo/Axios, AP Photo/Evan Vucci,

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