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  • Writer's pictureGregory N. Austin

Saint Joe Slips, a Little Bit

Come on voters! Let us not forget that over 100 historical scholars ranked Joe Biden 14th out of the 45 past presidents while ex-president Donald Trump has a very solid hold on last place. Yes, last place! Let's abide in political reality, not in political fiction. MAGA political operatives all stand for meanness and chaos. Is that the way to run the greatest, most successful political system in the world? It is not. Let us embrace the good in our policies and institutions, and not abide in despotic worship. In the battle hymn of the Republic, it says “his truth is marching on”, we would all do well to play these words over and over between now and November because the truth will surely be tested between now and then.

Liberal justices and Joe Biden
Joe Biden knows the gravity of the situation

I am 87 years old, a grandfather, a retired small business owner, and an Army veteran with two older brothers buried in Arlington cemetery. The oldest, William, was decorated for valor in World War II. I look back at my service time in 1956 and 57 in France and Germany with very positive thoughts.


I have written a blog post every week for over a year now. I am concerned over the safety of our children and grandchildren. There are three things that threaten their future and they are all very serious indeed.

First, ex-president Donald Trump wants to take 240 years of U.S. Constitutional government and turned it on its ear, making him the first Presidential executive with powers never intended by our 55 founding fathers in Philadelphia in 1787. Between now and the election in November ,I promise you I will work hard to prevent this sad and terrible possibility.


The second threat is climate change, global warming as it were. The threat is dramatic, pervasive and eminent. Donald Trump is hiding from the threat and has no plans to confront it. Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis has forbidden the words climate change and global warming to be used on Florida State stationary. This borders on the fringe of insanity folks! Public servants do not help our children by denying problems for political reasons. Climate problems are real and a very, very, looming threat to the world right now.


The third serious threat to our nation is the federal debt and budget deficit. We are currently experiencing positive economic growth in the U.S. with almost 16 million new jobs created in the past 3 1/2 years. We are the envy of the world economically, but our debt of over $34 trillion is unsustainable and needs recognition and attention by “good parents” to save our children and grandchildren. President Joe Biden wants to do something about it no question. Donald Trump wants to extend his tax cuts to the wealthy in 2025 if he is re-elected. Remember, he broke a record for federal debt during his first four years in office. Remember also, he ranks dead last by over 100 American historians. We cannot go on this way, passing off this terrible debt to our children. Donald Trump is only about more money and more power, not the future.


President Joe Biden is on the proper side of the problems confronting the U.S. and the world, and there are loads of political objective truth to uphold that analysis. His legislation, his job creation, his political leadership over NATO and Ukraine, and his focus on Southeast Asia, is a worthy cause. Israel has had over 75 years of wars and troubles constantly with its neighbors. Has President Joe Biden lost sleep over this mess? It is obvious to many that he is properly concerned about outcomes in that region and he is working on it constantly.


 Joe Biden has 50 years experience in American politics - he is a decent and honorable politician. Fox News paints him as a dishonest and incompetent President. Why? Because it sells soap and pillows and keeps Rupert Murdoch a very wealthy man. Murdoch's audience are the 25% of Americans who embrace exaggeration, innuendo and political falsehoods delivered by loud clamor. Fox News loses legal battles over truth, and faces consequences, and they lose big. They are hooked on selling deception to their followers. They can't quit or the cash flow may stop. What a way to make a living! Questionable propaganda today, tomorrow and propaganda forever! Is this a good future choice to leave to our children? No way dear reader!


In the debate of June 27th, President Joe Biden showed up and as we say in the baseball world, he was caught without “his stuff”. His curveballs would not curve, and his slider would not slide. He had some “whoops” moments. I watched Fox News afterward and they generally concluded that our President is a non-person, a non-politician, and no threat to their cult leader Donald Trump. Oh really? A bad night takes away all of the successes of our President in the past 3 1/2 years of service? In his fifty years of political service? No! Something is not adding up here. Donald Trump was fact checked after the debate and there were 30 lies revealed, yet he won? Nah, it is just a propaganda game where reality on one side is completely covered up. The cult leader cannot lose no matter what he does or what he says. A convicted felon, a convicted womanizer, a failed past president that just talks tough, acts tough, and promises retribution against his opponents in every single speech he makes on the campaign trail. He is an eighth grade bully, that can dish it out but he can't take it. He seems to be a baloney salesman with a flannel tongue that spews disinformation and lie after lie.


So who won the debate? President Joe Biden did not defend his good service to our country and the world. He had a sore throat, he was overprepared and flat. And ex-president Donald Trump just turned his proven lies into rants against our President instead of giving us the Republican platform for governing this great nation. The voter will decide who won. Right or wrong, they get to decide this November. We all have to pray they support the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law which is the very soul of our legal system.


99% of the MAGA Republican's governing strategy (led by their cult leader) is condemnation and reprisal against the opposing party and our American institutions. Is this the story in too many circles? You betcha! The Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation with help of five or six members of the United States Supreme Court have decided to deconstruct our institutions. The rule of law seems meaningless. Many of the MAGA Republicans have even gone public stating their envy of the Hungarian and Russian style of government. What's the deal here? Now the political vogue is to hate your own government? And the most peculiar part of this scenario is that many of them claim to be "religious”. Huh? Christ said “render unto Caesar’s what is Caesars and to God what is God’s”. Saint Peter said, “honor your government, pay your taxes and pray for those in authority”. The MAGA Republican agenda is abortion, gender identification and gay bashing. This is a extremely peculiar aspect of their political rants because I simply cannot find these issues as a foundation in the New Testament of the Bible. My Bible promotes love, not hate and division. So really and truly, who wins in these crazy rants advanced by these MAGA Republican operatives? Maybe, just maybe, we had better consider Joe Biden as the true holder of American values and mainstream opinions. He is a practiced public servant. Joe Biden loves God and his neighbor, and is an honest and forthright individual. Please note also that Pope Francis is 87 years old and still going strong. So as Joe Biden practices religion he also looks out for the population that most needs his assistance.


Come on voters! We must not be controlled by operatives who choose ideology over reason. The Supreme Court is not controlled by legal reason. You better not forget that over 100 historical scholars ranked Joe Biden 14th (already) out of the 45 past presidents while ex-president Donald Trump has a very solid hold on last place. Yes, last place. Let's abide in political reality, not in political fiction. Those MAGA political operatives cited above all stand for meanness and chaos, while despising our institutions. Is that the way to run the greatest, most successful political system in the world? It is not. Let us embrace the good, in our policies and in our institutions, and not abide in despotic worship. Plato said democracies pass into despotism. Not if we all say "no way"!


What is the way forward? President Joe Biden is the standard bearer for the Democratic Party. He carries the flag into battle. If he tires there are many reasonable, competent replacements who have our country and its institutions protected. Never forget, each moment is an opportunity to begin again for everyone. If we constantly put what's good for our children's future in our thoughts, we can overcome all obstacles.


In the battle hymn of the Republic, it says “his truth is marching on”, we would all do well to play these words over and over between now and November because the truth will surely be tested between now and then.


May God bless the United States of America and keep our children safe from mayhem and chaos.


Opening Image: Thomson Reuters, Wikimedia/Wikimedia Commons

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