Come on America, it’s alright to love your country. Saint Peter, in the Bible stated, “honor your country, pay your taxes, and pray for those in authority.” Dear reader, don’t be fooled by the disinformation, lets keep the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution and our flag in a place of honor for another 250 years. We should not be trying to blow up bridges, but we should be using reason and laws to build better political bridges.
Dear reader, if you thought the Mexican border wall problems eight years ago, supposedly paid for by the country of Mexico was a fiasco, hang on, because the new scheme of removing 11,000,000 people who are supposedly rapists, criminals and insane, is going to be quite a serious attempt at removing them from American soil. They plan on using the American military to assist in the "removal". They have not explained what will happen to the restaurants, fast food places, hotels, golf courses, grass cutting and snow removal companies, meat plants etc. that are going to be doing without employees. They want to build massive holding prisons as they figure out how to deport each individual back to their original country. And of course their children, even though they were born in America, will go also.
Their mind-bending schemes are full of arrogance, hostility and even hints of threats against Governors of states that won't give them full cooperation. Is this America's first glimpse of Gestapo methods? Legal groups throughout the states are preparing a position to resist these heavy-handed tactics that may be here soon.
Dear reader, a sane America had already attempted a bipartisan Border Bill last spring that would have answered many of our current problems at the border. Unfortunately, President-elect Donald Trump demanded his MAGA Republicans not support it because he was using it as an election scheme to harm President Joe Biden. Mr. Trump seemed to want the chaos and mayhem at the border to continue. Now we are presented with an overwhelming weak remedy of deportation that may bankrupt the U.S. Treasury. Think of the cost of gathering up and holding 11 million illegal immigrants. Processing them and getting them back to their original country is not going to be an easy task. Think of all the lawsuits. Think of all the establishments and corporations that are using these immigrants full time as employees. Think of the restaurants again. Is this project going to take place without a great deal of upheaval, nervousness and even corruption by those being paid to remove the immigrants? Not hardly! When you make huge moves like this one without previous thoughtfulness in planning, without using the rule of law, you are asking for big trouble. And the spending of so much taxpayer money like a drunken sailor, is going to do extraordinary damage to our Federal budget. And what about all the innocent children? Are they throwaways? Remember if you are born in the United States you have legal rights therein.
Who is the creator of this kind of costly stuff? It seems to be President-elect Donald Trump, Fox Evening News, their evening pundits, and of course the MAGA voter who is caught up and has bought into the emotional lies about the threat of so many immigrants. There maybe a minor threat from immigrants but not even close to the degree that the hostile pundits are suggesting.
President-elect Donald Trump started his campaign the first time he ran for President in 2016, by stating time and again that the immigrants were rapists and criminals and shouldn’t be allowed into the country. That's been his theme ever since. Is there any truth to the constant negativity about immigrants in the past 10 years? Try one percent of any truth. Fox News buys into it, and their pundits use it nightly to sell soap and pillows, as they rant about the criminal behavior of immigrants and also the Democrats and the loyal opposition doing nothing to stop it. This has instilled fear in many Americans that is mostly groundless. The Immigrant population commits less crime than average American citizens according to many studies.
What is the outcome of all of these incidences and lies being told? It is a case of costing us all too much money. Sean Hannity from Fox News (AKA Joseph Goebbels II) rants about these situations over immigrants practically every night. It is anti-American and ultimately disgusting. And we should not forget that he is the highest paid pundit on cable television according to many. I think there is shame in making all that money, bending and exaggerating the truth. And the owner of Fox News Rupert Murdoch, is fully on board with all the exaggeration about immigrants. He admits his views thrive on half-truths and remain loyal to his network.
What is the remedy for the immigrant problem in the United States? It is solved exactly how any other problems are solved, it's called the rule of law, as we stick to a proper use of the U.S. Constitution. Not going off on rules that cause mayhem, chaos and fictional ideology. Think of all the harm, think of all the suffering for children and immigrants that believe they are here properly. and may be grabbed up off the street. Many will not be given their legal rights. Remember, President Ronald Reagan in one of his last speeches as President commented positively of America being a "proud nation of immigrants".
Come on Mr. President-elect, slow down this costly scheme of going after 11,000,000 immigrant’s willy nilly for political reasons, not for factual reasons. We can't afford this kind of mess that will be causing mayhem and chaos while we spend billions of taxpayer dollars. The law will give you the proper answers, the Constitution will give you the proper answers and the court system also. Dear reader, do you see an immigrant behind every tree holding a knife or a gun ready to strike? You should be seeing immigrants at McDonalds, the gas stations, the golf courses, the yard service and so on and so forth. And never forget the children of those workers more than likely will end up as American college graduates. Thoughtful bipartisan political legal remedies are already on the books and should be taken up and embraced. This long sad term of blaming immigrants for all of America's problems must end. It is too costly, and the situation can be remedied as usual by the rule of law. Lets remember dear reader, that our President-elect is trying to convince you that the immigration problem is an overwhelming issue. Meanwhile he suggests that the heat waves, the hurricanes, the world glaciers melting, and the oceans becoming like hot soup is all a hoax! An Elon Musk his brilliant billionaire engineer advisor, has bought into Trump's myth over climate change for political gain.
We cannot afford to have our rule of law, our Constitution, be threatened by extremism. The situation we are in is right out of the playbook of Project 2025. Kevin Roberts in his forward, believes the loyal opposition in America are really devils (woke ISM) filled with “immorality, depravity, and intellectual inferiority”. He claims, that “we need a ruling elite making decisions for us”. Dear reader, pass this actual quote on to all of your friends. This is taken from the Forward in his Project 2025 book, page 14. I would advise everyone to read it because so far the President-elect seems to be following the script in Project 2025. If that script is followed, our U.S. Constitution is going to undergo a very serious situation, possibly leading to the end of a 250-year experiment. Dear reader, please get into this situation that is vital and needs concerned citizens. We must protect our Institutions.
I really do feel threatened for our children and grandchildren as all of these Project 2025 plans come on board. Demolishing the Administrative State by half, and in some instances wiping them out totally, is goofy and bizarre. Getting rid of the EPA and their supervisory or oversight capacity as our country burns up, overheats and floods, is beyond the pale. I would like to also remind every American what a compliment it is to have millions voting with their feet to break into our country. It is a total unequivocal lie that the majority of these folks are not seeking a better life. Remember the Russian population is shrinking by war deaths and civilians trying to leave the country. Finland has had to close its borders. Our President-elect admires Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin. We should all notice that no one is trying to move to Hungary or Russia. Vladimir Putin may need to build a wall to keep his citizens in Russia. That's exactly what Nikkita Khrushchev did in building the Berlin wall in 1962.
Come on America, it’s alright to love your country. Saint Peter, in the Bible stated, “honor your country, pay your taxes, and pray for those in authority.” Finally dear reader, don’t be fooled by the disinformation, lets keep the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution and our flag in a place of honor for another 250 years. We should not be trying to blow up bridges, but we should be using reason and laws to build better political bridges.
Let us keep all children in our purview safe from mayhem and chaos.
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